How To Match Your Room Colour With Wooden Furniture

When adding colour to your home, you want to create cohesion. If you have freshly painted rooms or you’ve just looking to update your furniture, you may be wondering how to match your wooden furniture with your room colour.

Of course, there’s no hard rule that you have to match your furniture to your room colour, when it comes to styling your home, it’s important to create an environment that you love.

Identify your interior style

Before buying wooden furniture, you should first identify your preferred interior style. Wooden furniture can work with a variety of interior styles, from modern to traditional, and there are many designs to choose from.

When it comes to colours, this will also depend on your desired interior style. If you prefer a minimalist style, you may prefer neutral colours and contemporary furniture styles. For those who consider themselves maximalists, bright, bold colours, patterns and a mix of traditional and modern furniture styles may give you the interior style you desire.

Your interior style can be as creative as you like, as to how you style your home is a reflection of your personality.

Choosing your colour palette

The colour palette is a key aspect to consider when decorating your home. From paint colours to fabrics and finishes, colour has a big impact on how your home looks and feels. Consider the overall colour scheme and style of the room, and the atmosphere you want to create.

When styling each room in your home, think about the purpose of the space as this will impact the mood you may want to inspire. If choosing colours and furniture for a bedroom, you want the space to feel calming and cosy, whereas, for a home office, you may want the room to evoke feelings of creativity or motivation.

Colour and furniture preferences are a personal choice. When considering how to match your room colour with wooden furniture, you want colours to work together to highlight the wood’s natural beauty. The right colours and fabrics will enhance your wood pieces. Look at the dominant hues in your home to guide your purchasing decisions when looking at wood furniture.

When mixing colours and styles, you want to create continuity throughout your home, so when looking at wooden furniture, it could be a good idea to take a swatch of the room colour with you, so you can see how they might work together.

Buying wooden furniture

Wooden furniture comes in a range of finishes, stains and colour tones. Different types of wood will provide you with a different look, and it can all depend on the style you prefer as to what type of wood you may be drawn to.

Each type of wood has a characteristic colour and grain pattern, and colour can also be altered with a stain. Ranging from light to dark, different wood tones work well with different colours. Having a mix of wood tones in a room can offer depth and add character to the space.

Acting as a neutral item, wooden furniture can help ground a room. Wooden furniture can add warmth and so often works well with warm hues.

Over time, natural wooden furniture can develop a rich patina which gives depth and complexity to your home. Newer woods and veneers are not designed to age in the same way as natural wood, so will maintain their appearance for many years.

Wooden furniture is timeless and elegant. It’s a worthwhile investment for any home, especially when purchased from a quality retailer. Pay attention to the details of wooden furniture when buying, such as colour undertones, finish and wood grain.

Create some contrast

While you don’t want your furniture and room colours to clash, creating contrast can make your wooden furniture look more distinct.

Wood pieces don’t all need to match. Mixed woods can give a room a casual, comforting feel. Pick a dominant wood tone as a starting point and then choose other pieces that compliment it. Often the biggest piece of furniture works best to set the tone of the room.

Dark finishes, including walnut and mahogany, will stand out more when set against light colours, while light wood, such as birch, will stand out when used in spaces with darker colours.

Contrast calls attention to your wooden furniture and can help enhance and intensify tones, and make your beautiful wooden pieces stand out better.

Shop our range of wooden furniture to find a piece you’re sure to love for your home, no matter the room colour.



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